Live on Purpose Central
Live a Life Full of Purpose and Passion
Live On Purpose Central is a comprehensive resource to help you transform your life into the one you've always dreamed of.  With more than 1,000 hours of video and audio content from Dr. Paul's books, events, and studio-recorded courses, you'll have all the tools you need to live a happier and more fulfilling life. 
These video and audio courses cover a vast array of topics and we are continually adding to our 
library and resources.
What's Included In Live On Purpose Central 
Positivity Power-Up
(Value $399)
This course brings you the principles that show you exactly how and why happiness is a choice. It’s the instruction manual for operating the equipment of your own mind. You’ll develop positivity skills and knowledge that enhance relationships, improve productivity, increase joy, and transform your life. Each module covers a different aspect of positivity and principles that give you a higher level of control over your life.
Parenting Power-Up
(Value $149)
In this audio course, you gain the tools to become the parent you promised yourself you would be. You will gain clarity about your job as a parent. You’ll dig into the dynamic between control and maturity, and establish patterns of parenting for each stage of moral development. Being a better parent IS possible and will happen sooner than you think!
Pathological Positivity
(Value $20)
You can call this your happiness handbook. It contains the REAL secret to achieving happiness and can teach you how to avoid the all too common self-sabotage that can kill your positivity. You’ll discover what it truly means to be free from restricting chains brought on by negativity so you can start living the life you’ve always wanted. It contains proven exercises, philosophies and formulas that make it easy to free yourself from the past and transform your present.
Live Event Access
(Value $BIG)
Whenever we hold a live event, whether virtual or in-person, you’ll be the FIRST to know about it and you’ll be the FIRST to have access to registration. We’d love to have you join us at one of our life-changing events.
1000+ Hours Content
(Value $1,200)
We’ve curated 1000+ hours of videos to cover a huge array of topics. We’re continually adding to the topics covered in Live On Purpose Central, so you can expect to see it grow.   Sticky situation pop up? Simply hop into Live On Purpose Central, search your topic, and hear what Dr. Paul has to say about it. You’ll find real-world advice you can put into practice right away.  No more waiting for an appointment with a therapist, and no more paying expensive fees. You’ll have everything you need at your fingertips. Can’t find a topic you need? Easy… Simply submit your question and Dr. Paul will address it for you. 
Live Event Archives
(Value $Priceless)
If you miss any of the live events we hold regularly, don't worry, we make them all available for you to watch on demand in Live on Purpose Central. Watch when and where you want.
Live Event Access
Whenever we hold a live event, whether virtual or in-person, you’ll be the FIRST to know about it and you’ll be the FIRST to have access to registration. We’d love to have you join us at one of our life-changing events.
Live Event Archives
If you miss any of the live events we hold regularly, don't worry, we make them all available for you to watch on demand in Live on Purpose Central. Watch when and where you want.
  • Positivity
  • Parenting
  • Marriage
  • Emotional IQ
  • Divorce
  • Custody Issues
  • Compelling Presentations
  • Living With Purpose and Passion
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  • Relationship Building
  • Mommy Guilt
  • Happiness
  • Joyful, Peaceful, Calm Family Life
  • Creating Lasting Changes
  • Stress Reduction
  • Career Enhancement
  • Personal Development
With Your Membership You'll Also Get...
Live Discussion Groups
Led By Certified Coaches
Need help with a pressing problem and want to talk to someone LIVE? Join a discussion group led by a trained coach and get answers to your questions. These sessions are held multiple times per week on various topics such as how to talk to your teen about sex, raising an emotionally healthy child, setting safe boundaries for children, overcoming trauma in positive ways, how to talk to teenagers about pornography, what to do about bedwetting, staying positive no matter what (and many, many more).
(Value $1,500)
Open Office Hours
Spend Time With Dr. Paul
Dr. Paul Jenkins is available weekly during his LIVE office hours.  As a member of Live On Purpose Central, you'll have exclusive access to Dr. Paul’s weekly office hours. In these sessions, you can interact directly with him, ask any questions on your mind, discuss pressing problems, or simply listen in on the discussion. It’s an open forum where YOU decide the content. This is your opportunity to 
“Ask Dr. Paul”.  Reach out, ask questions, and get  help and direction from the doctor himself.  
(Value $1,400)

TOTAL VALUE: $4,668+
People are Loving Live on Purpose Central
"My teen son came to me the other day and said "Mom, I can really see you change and not yelling anymore" and my 4 year old who is extremely wild and full of energy - hard to keep out of trouble ♥️😭 I stopped yelling and gave him “choices”. We have only been practicing one week and the impact has been monumental. We are all happier because of this. I wish I would have known how to do this years ago. I feel like I’ve wasted so much time and caused hurt, especially with my teens... yelling and having blowups ."
Kimberli S.
"Live On Purpose Central is the best place to go for all things positivity! I love having Dr. Paul's resources in one location. I already took advantage of his "open office hour" and it was a great opportunity to talk to him in person. He continues to add more content all the time and is open to feedback. I'm very grateful to be a member of Live On Purpose Central so that I can have constant access to coaching, programs, and reminders of the tools I need to remain a calm and patient parent. Plus it would be easy to get anxious in these strange and scary times, yet with Dr. Paul's many resources I can stay in check, stay in the present, and remember what I control. I can't thank you enough!! "
Staci A.
"I am really enjoying it as it is helping me to overcome some of the challenges I face. I am raising 2 grandsons, and at the time when my husband and I planned to be golfing together, we now teach them the sport! I even home-educate them, which put me way ahead of others who were struggling during the pandemic lockdown. I have much to learn, but with my faith in my Creator, and positive messages like these, life is full of opportunity!"
Elizabeth R.
TOTAL VALUE: $4,668+
Live a Life Of Passion And Purpose That You Love 
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Join Live on Purpose Central Today
Choose your Full-Access Plan to the most comprehensive training and tools in the world that 
can benefit every person. With Live on Purpose Central, you'll create a more joyful life 
for you, those you care about and those around you.


Monthly Recurring Payment

  • 1000+ hours of Dr Paul Jenkins Content
  • Live Discussion Groups Led By Trained Coaches
  • Access to Dr Paul Jenkins via Office Hours
  • Priority Access To All Updates
  • Priority Access To Personalized Coaching Support
Annual Recurring Payment
SAVE $345 Each Year
  • 1000+ hours of Dr Paul Jenkins Content
  • Live Discussion Groups Led By Trained Coaches
  • Access to Dr Paul Jenkins via Office Hours
  • Priority Access To All Updates
  • Priority Access To Personalized Coaching Support
Plus, No Risk With Our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
We believe so strongly in the transformative power of Live On Purpose Central that we offer you a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you’re not completely satisfied with your membership and the resources provided within the first 30 days, simply let us know, and we will refund your investment—no questions asked.

We want you to feel confident in your decision to join us.

Experience the courses, live events, and community support risk-free, and discover how our resources can help you live a life full of purpose and passion.

Your journey to a happier, more fulfilling life starts here—worry-free!
Have Questions or Want to Talk to Someone?
We'll help you get started with your membership...
If you'd like to speak with a real person, then give us a call and we'll be there to help you.
Our amazing Live On Purpose Central experts will take good care of you! 
Or continue with the checkout options above.

Who is Dr. Paul?

Dr. Paul Jenkins, PhD

I'm Dr. Paul Jenkins, the author of several books, including  Pathological Positivity, which sold over 15,000 copies the first year after its launch. I’m a positivity psychologist, speaker and author.

For over two decades now, my clients and colleagues, family and friends have accused me of being pathologically positive. I decided to embrace that title as the theme of my practice. It may sound a little crazy to consider the possibility that we can take a positive position – no matter what! You will see very quickly from this model exactly how and why that is possible.

The word “pathological” means compulsively driven. Someone who is "pathological"  just can’t stop themselves from doing something. One who is pathologically positive has a dogged determination to find or create the positive in every life circumstance, no matter how difficult.

I feel that there is far too much negativity, fear, and doubt in the world. I am on a mission to lift and inspire my fellow human beings to create and live a life they love. My private practice is now exclusively based on positive psychology. I have written three books on the subject, give keynote presentations and trainings on positivity and related topics, produce a weekly podcast called Live On Purpose Radio, and see individual clients at my office in a positive psychology counseling setting.

Live On Purpose Central has been my vision  for some time now. We needed a place where we can all come together in a positive psychology setting to enhance, enrich, and sometimes save our key relationships. That's what Live On Purpose Central is all about. 

Frequently Asked Questions
We Have Answers...
Who is Live On Purpose Central for?
Answer: Live On Purpose Central is for YOU if you are ready to move to the second level of learning - TRANSFORMATION. It’s for YOU if you’re ready to FINALLY take action and make lasting changes to upgrade your relationships, work, and mental health. It’s for YOU if you are tired of dealing with the same old patterns that keep you stuck where you don’t want to be. Live On Purpose Central was created to give you the community and platform you need to move beyond “stuckness”.
What's included in Live On Purpose Central?
Answer: Live On Purpose Central is an ever-growing body of training on how to live your life "on purpose". It contains in-depth personal development training and relationship training. The training helps you not only learn the information on a conscious level, but at the level of transformation. This is accomplished through teaching, coaching and direct support for accountability. There are hundreds of hours of video courses, live discussion groups, and coaching opportunities that are foundational to your personal transformation and the transformation of your key relationships so you can live a happy life ON PURPOSE!
I want my husband/wife/kids to learn this stuff too. Can they be included??
Answer: Absolutely! It’s so important to walk the path of transformation TOGETHER. That’s why I’ve included 3 spots with each membership. You can give the other spots to your immediate family members so you can all work together. You know what they say...the family that improves together, stays together! And is happy together.
Do I have to do this now? Can I wait for a few weeks/months/years?
Answer: Please don’t wait! A positive, happy, fulfilling, joyful life is waiting for you... I don’t want you to miss a single day of your best life. You 2.0. Since you are reading this page, I know you recognize how important it is to take action so you don't have to live a life of regrets. I’m willing to bet that a little voice inside has been nagging you for awhile to make the changes you’ve been promising yourself. You need to get to your new upleveled life. Regrets can be crushing.  Please, please, please don’t wait! 
 I want to join, but....
Answer: I hear that a lot. In fact, it’s a pretty common reaction to say/think it. Here’s what I want you to think about… when you add “BUT...” to the end of a sentence, you are finalizing that sentence. It means there is no next step. Words are powerful. When you say “but...” you have just turned your brain off. The emotions that come from having “no next step” are feelings of being powerless and hopeless. May I suggest an alternative? If you know you’d like to be involved, but perhaps are feeling limited in some way, could you try asking “HOW CAN I BE A PART OF THIS?” Say it out loud. How does that feel? How does it feel different? It is an empowering phrase. Don’t just use it for this, employ it wherever you feel limited. You will find answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. If you need help figuring out a way to be a part of Live On Purpose Central, please reach out to us! We can help you brainstorm solutions.

I'm really busy. Will Live On Purpose Central work for me?
Answer: Quite simply… YES. This is perfect for you if you are really busy but still want to be able to experience positive transformations. Each training inside Live On Purpose Central is bite-sized so you don’t have to spend hours upon hours searching for answers or solutions to your trickiest situations. We’ve included audio and video lessons so you can listen while you drive or exercise. What’s the simplest path to a destination? Find someone who already knows and let them show you the way. Our experienced coaches are there to help you find the quickest path to solve your most pressing problems.
I’ve already tried a million different things. Will this work for me?
Answer: I hear you friend! You’ve already tried reading books, watching YouTube videos, going to seminars, hiring therapists, talking to friends, or checking social media...and you may have found some good info and even got excited.  But your problem still isn’t resolved. That’s exactly why I created Live On Purpose Central. What you’ve found is wonderful and helps with the first level of learning - breakthrough learning - but hasn’t delivered on the second level of learning - transformation. This is where you actually put the breakthroughs into practice and they become natural habits. If this sounds like you, then you need to join us in Live On Purpose Central where you can reinforce the things you've learned by putting them into action with a strong support group and accountability. That's what Live On Purpose is all about.
Why is Live On Purpose Central a recurring subscription?
Answer: Dr. Paul Jenkins is constantly updating and adding new content to the Live On Purpose Central membership site. As a member, you'll receive email updates that will announce the updated content as it is added to the platform. Therefore, as the body of content grows inside of the membership, you will want to continue to have access to the site. Live On Purpose Central is a valuable addition to your library of resources and costs only $97 per month or $819 per year (a $345 savings) to maintain access to the ever-growing content library that keeps you up to date on the best methods to continue growing, enhancing, and enriching your most valuable relationships. NOTE: You may cancel your membership at any time prior to your renewal date by emailing us at
 Can I buy multiple memberships for my company?
Answer: Absolutely! If you are looking for corporate training or if you want to buy multiple memberships so everyone has their own login and password to Live On Purpose Central, please contact our Director of Sales Success at Our team is available if you have any questions.
After I purchase, how do I set up my account?
Answer: The Live On Purpose Central team will set up your account and all of your team's accounts within 24 hours. All of you will receive an email with individual login instructions once it is set up. We work hard to set you up sooner than 24 hours, because we are just as excited for you to get started as you are!
Live a Life Of Passion And Purpose That You Love 
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Join Live on Purpose Central Today
Get access to the most comprehensive training and tools in the world that can 
benefit every person. With Live on Purpose Central, you'll create a more joyful life for 
you, those you care about and those around you.

Looking for corporate accounts for your business & employees?
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